Fascia is a three dimensional matrix of connective tissue running continuously from head to toe throughout our bodies. Fascia covers and interpenetrates every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, and all of our internal organs.
Our fascia, in its normal healthy state, is relaxed and fluid with the ability to stretch and move without restriction.
Fascia can lose its elasticity when one experiences trauma, chronic inflammation, surgery, and repetitive stress. When fascia stiffens, it can put up to 2000 pounds of pressure on pain-sensitive structures, decreasing and restricting mobility.
When one experiences physical trauma, emotional trauma, scarring, or inflammation, the fascia loses its pliability.
The fascial system becomes tight, restricted, and a source of tension to the rest of the body effecting our flexibility and stability.
Fascial restrictions can exert excessive pressure on muscle, bone, nerve, organs and blood vessels, causing all kinds of symptoms, producing pain, or decreasing motion.
A gentle sustained pressure into the fascial restrictions will, over time, allow the fascia to elongate and the restrictions to release.
The sustained pressure applied during MFR produces a bioelectrical flow, called piezoelectricity, that leads to mechanotransduction. MFR elicits a cellular response in our bodies that produce Interleukin 8, a natural anti-inflammatory agent, leading to a transition where restricted fascia regains fluidity, allowing tissue rehydration and fascial glide, and releasing pressure from pain-sensitive structures.
On your first visit , the treatment will immediately follow your initial evaluation.
Treatments are individualized and vary each session.
I will be your sole provider at each visit.
Your appointment is set aside just for you. No other clients share the time.
Barnes Myofascial Release Approach is considered to be the ultimate mind/body therapy that is safe, gentle and consistently effective in producing results that last. A gentle application of sustained pressure into the fascial restrictions will, over time, allow the fascia to elongate and the restrictions to release. Treatments are designed to decrease pain and increase mobility and range of motion.
We start with a physical therapy evaluation of about 30 minutes that includes reviewing your health history, determining your objectives and developing a treatment plan to help you achieve personal goals. The remaining time will be hands-on treatment.
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